Epic Star Paranormal

We seek where they hide!!

About Epic Star
Epic Star was established in 2013 by Jessica and Sam Woodward-Combs along with her daughter Ciara Anders. It has since grown into a group of 7 members and has a liaison medium physic on call.
Epic Star uses scientific and metaphysical methods for investigations. They have primarily investigated at a farm in Arcadia, Ohio. But they have also assisted families in their private residences with blessings and cleansings. Each member brings their own special talent to the group from empath's, spiritual leaders, to tech gurus. The group is always on the lookout for scientific ways to prove the existence of the paranormal and they are ready for action when a call comes in for help.

The Farm established in 1833 through a land patent signed by President Andrew Jackson.
Previously a black swamp inhabited by Native Americans. Farm sits on ley lines, fault line and waterways.
Has a Native burial mound nearby.
Since paranormal investigations have been started members have been scratched, possessed, gotten class A evp's, and have seen shadow figures.
Several deaths occurred on the farm during the battle between Indians and French.
Was a staging area for Battle of 1812.
Our Team
"Epic Star Paranormal"
Founder and Leader

Jessica Woodward-Combs is the honored founder and leader of Epic Star Paranormal. She states "My paranormal journey began as an infant. I have memories that have astounded my parents from the age of 1 year old. For as long as I can remember I have always been able to sense spirits around me. Sometimes they come into my dreams to make me experience what caused their demise, they show themselves to me and speak to me. For most of my life I kept these gifts hidden from the world being afraid of becoming an outcast or called crazy."
Samantha Woodward-Combs is at her side as the Co-Founder of the group. She states "I'm somewhat new to the paranormal field I've been doing research for 5 yrs now. I have been a skeptic but through research and personal experience that has changed. I’m always looking to disprove what happens but also believe that spirits do walk amongst us."
Sam and Jess hope you enjoy our site and other social media sites and follow along with us during live feeds...who knows you may help us find that one piece of Epic Proof.....
Meet The Team
Justin "Noob" I was raised in a somewhat Christian household. When i was around 10, I saw ghosts, heard voices that were not mine or from some sort of mental issue, actually met what I would call a pixie. When i presented this to my family, it was dismissed as " imagination", "angels", "inter-dimensional beings". This made me want to explore more than what was handed to me. This led to exploring more science, different religions, even Witchcraft. Throughout my teens and early 20's, there was no solid foundation of any sort of belief. Took a purely scientific way of looking at everything, still do. It has opened me up to exploring more and more. I feel drawn to the paranormal, as if that is my purpose. Ironically, exploring Witchcraft and science got me back with God, leading me to believe that science, magic, and religion can coexist. I hate meeting new people, but with this group..this team, I feel like part of a family.
Ciara "Blayze" I am a 20 year old paranormal investigator with a 3 year old daughter. I first became interested in the paranormal field when I spirit walked in third grade. I hope to open my abilities more to be able to communicate with the spirit world more efficiently and see how they live on a day to day basis.
Derek "Titus" Believing in something more than just what we can see, touch, smell or sense has always been a sincere passion of mine. Not knowing much but having the interest, the group quickly took me in and supported my beliefs and practices. With Epic Star I have been more behind the scenes dealing with the technology, EVPs, recordings, video and sound editing. I am passionate with computers, laptops and technology to further my passion for the ever evolving tech world. I have only been a member for around a year, however the group has helped tremendously with welcoming me in and supporting the team.
Cody "Enigma" I currently serve as the Researcher for Epic Star. When I'm not investigating i enjoy fishing, video games, and spending time with my family. What first got me interested in the paranormal field was when I was younger I had a very surreal experience when I was with a friend in his basement and saw a apparition that was at the base of the stairs. Ever since that experience I wanted to find out more about what I had saw and try to figure out how to communicate with it. The one thing I hope to be able to do with Epic Star is to be able to solve the mystery of what i experienced and communicate with the paranormal.